Picture of me

Hello there!

My Story

~ from A to Z ~

About Me

My name is Diana and I’m from Bucharest, Romania. I moved to the UK last year for university and I am planning on staying here for the most part of my life. I am a big food lover and my favorite meal of the day is breakfast (which I usually transform into a cute brunch). I put a lot of effort and joy in my first meal of the day, making sure I’m getting the necessary nutrients, whilst my plate looks nice as well.

Day in the Life

A normal day in my life would consist of university classes, then usually going for a walk to the city centre to treat myself with the best blueberry muffin - will keep the location of it a secret* for now, as their stock is quite limited. I would then come back home, make some lunch and study a bit more if I am in the mood, otherwise just reading, listening to music or watching a movie. If I am not exhausted by evening, I might also go out with my coursemates or flatmates. In the weekend, my schedule is either completely free and I relax all day, or overly booked with meetings, things I need to take care of that I couldn’t during the week, or get-togethers with my peers.
* the ultimate blueberry muffins location reveal (move your mouse over me) :)

Hobbies & Goals

I am a gourmand- if it wasn’t obvious by now. If I could, I would be constantly booking flights and traveling all around the world, trying different cuisines. One of the places I am dying to go to is Japan, as I am fascinated by the Japanese culture and in love with the food.Whenever I am not daydreaming about where to travel to next, I usually lay in bed watching my comfort show or video call my friends from back home. This is mostly what a chill afternoon looks like for me. As I am an extremely sociable person; trying out new pubs or going out dancing with my friends is the go-to for my idea of a fun night. Of course, sometimes I just need a night in to relax, in which case I try a new recipe, which always calms me down.

Zen - comfort food

There's something about enjoying a good meal - by yourself or with friends or family - that just makes days better. Here is an informative, yet slightly embarassing collage of a gourmand's journey through life.

Collage of food